



Alive and kicking downloads


Understanding morality and ethics

E-book .pdf available here, blog here

Beta:  edition 2 of the e-book, in progress (web viewer of .pdf) here



Informative texts for background reading on morality in general:  


Nichola Raihani – “The Social Instinct – How Cooperation Shaped the World”: Jonathan Cape / Vintage / Penguin Random House, 2021

Jonathan Haidt – “The Righteous Mind – why good people are divided by politics and religion”; Penguin Books, 2013

Michael Tomasello – “A Natural History of Human Morality”; Harvard University Press, 2016 (advanced)  

Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce – “Wild Justice – The Moral Lives of Animals”; The University of Chicago Press, 2009

Tom L Beauchamp and James F Childress – “Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Fifth Edition)”; Oxford University Press, New York 2001

Sarah Blaffer Hrdy – “Mothers and Others – the evolutionary origins of mutual understanding”; Harvard University Press, 2009

Penny Spikins – “How Compassion Made Us Human – the evolutionary origins of tenderness, trust and morality”; Pen and Sword Archaeology, 2015


An introduction to south Asian morality:

Richard Shweder; N C Much; M Mahapatra; and L Park – “The ‘big three’ of morality (autonomy, community, and divinity), and the ‘big three’ explanations of suffering” in A Brandt and P Rozin (Eds.), “Morality and health” (pp. 119–169) Routledge, New York 1997